So, there is more than a year since I've posted something in the blog session of my site. This short post is to mark as a milestone on my posts timeline.
There have been exactly two months since I took a new path in my life. After 7 years working at a huge multinational company and earning a decent amount of money I've decided to quit.
I hated the work I was doing. Even co-workers would stop by and ask how can someone enjoy doing that kind of job. Endless reports, fixing errors caused by stupid users who were unable to do a simple copy and paste task on Excel. The same people earning five times more money than I even been plain stupid people. This due to mainly two things: networking, this often misused term when the correct one should be 'brown noser' and the fact that this huge company was quite traditional as they loved to say.
That means that the old people with more time in the company will be more rewarded than a young brilliant mind. They even got prizes to 5, 10, 15 and so on years on the company going more and more expensive while someone with a project proved to save millions to them earning a simple recognition 100 Usd prize.
I hated that, I hated the work I was doing knowing I was much more capable of and I hated half of the people I had to interact on a daily basis. Fake smiles, taps on your shoulder when they need something that got urgent because they were unable to make it properly and ridiculous "copy everyone e-mails" when something didn't go like they wanted.There are other people on this trap, people I knew it could take the leadership of a entire business inside this company, loving what they do and with twice more knowledge of their superior but well... a company is a company why to pay more to someone if they are good there?
So here I am. My focus now is doing what I always wanted to do. I'm all by myself, I'll have to do all of it: design, programming, graphics, music, sound, marketing, social media and anything else I might be missing.
For those who may ask if this was a good decision I you let you with some of the changes I've experienced in these two months:
- I no longer hate Mondays. In fact Mondays are usually the most productive day since Im not always working on weekends.
- Much less stress.
- No more 4 hours of traffic every single day (a little more on Fridays).
- Much less expenses, since I don't hate about 50% of my time I don't feel the need to buy more and more things.
So that's it. I expect to be more active on my website also posting updates of my work and life.
Thank you for reading.
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